At the Library of the Linnaean Society of London, 12th February 2015

It is always a great experience to go to the Linnaean Society in London and its library is a wonderful place to work. I came here to see if I could find any of the books from John Ray or Francis Willughby’s libraries and I found this volume:

Tabernaemontanus, J. T. (1590). Eicones plantarum seu stirpium […] [Plants iconographies […]]. Frankfurt: Nicolao Bassaeo, Typographo Francofvrtensi.

Eicones Plantarum (Frankfurt, 1590) at the Library of the Linnaean Society of London.

It is an actual catalogue of plants, without any descriptions or properties as we usually find in these sort of books. This is a portable volume , illustrated with 2255 woodcuts of plants, very useful for naturalists during their field works, like in the case of John Ray and Francis Willughby in their European travel.

This particular copy was Presented to the Linnaean Society by Sir Joseph Banks in 1789, as cited at the beginning of the volume.


Like many others, this book has a lot of annotations, different plants names underneath the original ones. It is a volume that must have been used travelling around the countryside looking for plants.

The pictures in this post have been reproduced by kind permission of the Linnaean Society of London.


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